Thursday, June 02, 2005

Darwin on Trial

Last week, the Chicago Tribune ran a profile of Phillip Johnson. He is what some call the 'Father of Intelligent Design.' Being as that has been in the news lately, it is appropriate to examine who Mr. Johnson is.
Most everyone seems to know the issues at hand. The intelligent design movement is one that looks at evolution and sees the holes in it. It also sees indications of beings designed so complexly that they could only have been designed intelligently. Phillip Johnson was one of the first to espouse this viewpoint, and made it widely known through his book, "Darwin on Trial." Another famous example of this perspective is found in "Darwin's Black Box," by Michael Behe.
Now, as many states are attempting to decide whether to teach this concept alongside evolution in their classrooms, I'd encourage you to read "Darwin on Trial" to learn firsthand exactly what the discussion is about. I have read the book, and the fundamental flaws in the evolutionary theory do seem at times to be potentially insurmountable. Of course, it is the best naturalistic possibility we have, and thus, science sticks with it. Would an intelligent creator be a blow to science? That is the question that needs asking.

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